How can I adjust my posture after breast reduction surgery?
You've decided to have breast reduction surgery and have familiarised yourself with the process. The preparation and procedure are very important, but equally as important is learning to incorporate your new chest weight and shape into your everyday life after the surgery is complete. One of the most common reasons women seek breast reduction surgery relates to postural problems. Most commonly postural issues cause shoulder, neck and upper back strain and pain as a result of the weight of the breasts pulling down on the muscles around the shoulder and neck. Hunching forwards of the shoulders either due to the weight of the breasts or by the habit of hunching to hide large breasts also is a common cause for pain. Further, postural problems can be caused by the neck and back muscles overcompensating for the weight of the breasts leading to muscle tenderness and spasm. Breast reduction by reducing the size (and weight) of the breasts, relieves the demand on neck and back mu...
Quality of life prospects after a breast reduction
You have made the decision to undergo the breast reduction procedure, you have recovered and you are adjusting to your new normal. All of the negative aspects your breasts used to bring into your life have been flipped on their head. But what is it like one, two or twenty years later? Will you still perceive yourself to have a higher quality of life and body confidence? Will your new chest still bring you the joy and relief that you feel immediately post surgery? As I mentioned in my recent blog post, "Breast Reductions in young women" there are many discerning factors which should guide you in deciding if you are in the correct life stage to undergo a breast reduction, particularly if you are under 25 or so. Most of these factors are unique to each individual patient and depend on their plans for the future, the importance they place on certain things (such as breast feeding) and their intention to have a family. However, there is evidence to suggest that many of th...
Breast feeding and a breast reduction
Generally, the advice is that there is likely to be a 50 per cent chance that breastfeeding capabilities will be affected by breast surgery of any form, and it is an important factor to consider before undergoing the procedure. Breastfeeding should be discussed with the surgeon fully before any breast surgery. As with all surgeries, there is a certain element of risk associated with the procedure. If the prospect of being unable to breast feed in the future is a non-negotiable for you, it is recommended that you wait to have a breast reduction until you are finished having a family. According to the Australian Breastfeeding association, many mothers who have had breast surgery are able to breastfeed, at least to some extent. Some mothers find that they are able to: Breastfeed fully (without the need to supplement) Breast feed with a galactagogue (a medication to further stimulate your remaining breast tissue) (depending on the reason for a low supply) Partially br...
Should I have a Breast Reduction in my late teens/early 20's?
Many women have been considering a breast reduction since they first started developing during puberty. This means that by the time you hit your twenties, it may have been in the back of your mind for five or ten years already. Whilst many of the symptoms can arise throughout puberty, where possible it is always better to wait until breasts are fully developed. In extreme circumstances it may be considered at an earlier age, however this is very rare and at the very least should be deferred until early adult life. As with all elective surgical procedures, women considering a breast reduction must take considerable time and effort to understand the procedure; the limitations and risks associated with the procedure; and have realistic goals and expectations of the results. It is very dependent on the stage of life you are in, and how the post operative outcomes will change your life. Here are some factors you may want to take into consideration: Money As a young woman who is...
What are some signs I may benefit from a breast reduction?
Having been the resident of your body for your entire life, it can prove difficult to make the decision on whether a Breast Reduction will actually enhance the quality of the life you have always lived. The procedure is rarely an impulsive decision, and has often been on a patient's mind since puberty. This being said, there are some tell-tale signs that Breast Reduction candidates often present with. Neck and back pain is very common. The size of your breasts can weigh down your upper body and shoulders, causing posture issues and muscle strain. The way you may subsequently carry yourself due to this can also lead to your bra straps digging in and then chafing, sweating or rashes under the breasts as you lean forward or hunch to try and alleviate the pain. Similarly,in some instances, numbness and tingling in the hands can occur if your breasts are large enough to pull on your torso and affect your neck position. You can end up with nerve pain that radiates down your uppe...
Did you know you can have breast reduction performed as a day surgery?

Ultimately it will be your choice whether you decide to stay in hospital overnight after surgery or decide to have your surgery as a day procedure.

Day procedure for breast reduction is possible for multiple reasons. Firstly most women report breast reduction being less painful than they had expected and therefore it is not likely that you will need to stay in hospital for pain relief.

Secondly you will not require drain tubes for this surgery so there is no need to stop in hospital following surgery because you have drain tubes.

Ultimately you will decide if you prefer to stay overnight or go home.

This will be one of the many things we discuss at length if you attend for a consultation to discuss breast reduction.

Breast Reduction Clinic | Breast Reduction Surgery Melbourne

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